Introduction to Quantitative Approach in Educational Research
Authors: Lay Yoon Fah, Khoo Chwee Hoon
Year Published: 2016
ISBN: 978-967-0521-73-2
This book is an English edition of our previous book entitled “Pengenalan kepada Pendekatan Kuantitatif dalam Penyelidikan Pendidikan” which have received overwhelming and encouraging response from undergraduate and postgraduate students.
The idea of writing this book emerged when we deeply felt the need to publish an English edition of the said book that could reach a wider audience, locally and internationally. This book is written especially for undergraduate and postgraduate students of public and private universities. It is also meant for lecturers and students in the teacher education institutes, matriculation colleges, and polytechnics who wish to know more about the use of quantitative approaches in educational research.
This book is also useful for individuals who are involved directly or indirectly in educational research and who need to analyze data quantitatively. This book consists of 17 chapters which discuss the use of quantitative approaches in educational research. Readers will be introduced to educational research. This is followed by a discussion on research philosophies and research ethics involved in educational research. Research design, population, samples and sampling techniques, research instruments, quantitative data analysis and hypothesis testing, the use of parametric and non-parametric statistical tests will also be discussed in detail. Last but not least, the writing of research reports which includes the introduction chapter, literature review chapter, methodology chapter, research findings chapter and summary, discussion and conclusion chapter will also be discussed in this book.
Data sheet
- Height
- 25 cm
- Width
- 18 cm
- Depth
- 2.0 cm
- Weight
- 0.65 kg
Specific References
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