Author: Ambigapathy Pandian, Vincent Pang
Year Published: 2013
ISBN: 978-967-5224-69-0
The book is a collection of findings of multiliteracies research that provides insights into English literacy and how it has changed in form and substance to accommodate the diverse cultural contexts in English learning settings with a focus on multimedia and multimodal dimensions.
The book is a collection of findings of multiliteracies research that provides insights into English literacy and how it has changed in form and substance to accommodate the diverse cultural contexts in English learning settings with a focus on multimedia and multimodal dimensions.
The assortment of perspectives presented in this collection will enhance the understanding of the multifaceted aspects of English language teaching in relation to the changing contours in the contemporary living environment and the ways it impinges upon current reading and writing practices.
The findings highlight the importance of attitudinal factors in developing interest in the learning of English among teachers and students from primary and secondary schools and institutions of higher learning. Clearly awareness and factors that motivate English learning not for only academic purposes but for lifelong learning need to be inculcated among many communities including teachers, parents and students.
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